• +1 (559) 999-9937



California Special Needs Advocacy Services

Represents the best interests of the student in the educational process.

Empowers and educates families (parents and students) to strengthen their own advocacy skills.

Accompanies you to IEPs, IFSPs, SSTs, or 504 meetings to provide advice and assistance.

Can provide classroom observation reports.

Help you write effective letters to your school district.

Help you obtain a copy of your child's educational records.

Help interpret the meaning of assessments and reports to parents, and explain their significance to the child's educational needs.

Review all special education documents, including files, assessments, report cards, and observation reports.

Help you to organize those records.

Help to ensure that your child's IEP is well written; that it has accurate “present levels of functioning and performance” and measurable goals, with the appropriate services and support meeting those goals.

Review IEP, 504 or other documents before you sign them.

Assist you in filing compliance complaints.

Help make sure your school district is providing the services and support to which your child is entitled by Law.

Help you find an experienced and qualified independent assessor and obtain an independent educational evaluation

Help you find tutors, reading specialists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, or other specialists that your child might need.

Draft letters, responses, complaints and written requests to school and district officials.

Assist you if you are ready to take your case to due process, an advocate can help advise you on the strength of your case and make referrals to local special education attorneys, if need be.

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